101, Ansal Tower, 38 Nehru Place, New Delhi
93123 77554

Skin Grafting Surgery in Delhi

Skin Grafting

Early skin grafting in the first week after the burn injury is the gold standard of treatment and helps to reduce the morbidity and mortality.

Skin grafting for burns is a tried-and-tested procedure used across the United States, Europe, and a few centers in India. The advantages of this technique are:

  • The chance of contracting an infection is reduced - skin serves as our body's first line of defense against infection since it stops the contaminating organism from entering the body.
  • This skin barrier is removed due to burns, making the patient more susceptible to infection. The fewer chances of infection, the sooner the skin is repaired (through grafting).
  • Stops contractures from forming and, as a result, deformity. It is beneficial for burns to the hands, face, and joints.
  • Reduces the hospital stay and is cost-effective.

The limitations of this producer include the necessity for a suitable setup, good operating equipment, and other facilities, as well as the requirement that the surgeon use this approach with proficiency.

Thus, early skin grafting after burns might help the patient become mobile and functional sooner and prevent deformity and handicap. This may significantly reduce the anguish and suffering that a burn sufferer experiences.

Dr. Anup Dhir is a skilled skin transplant surgeon. He is world-renowned in reconstructive surgery and has a successful track record of assisting patients in achieving the best results.

Dr. Dhir has extensive training in all facets of skin grafting, from initial assessment to planning surgery and recovery. He specializes in cutting-edge procedures like tissue engineering and microsurgery to help patients regain function and appearance.

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Consultation Fee : Rs. 2,000

Anup Dhir

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+91 93123 77554

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Consultation Fee : Rs. 2,000

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