101, Ansal Tower, 38 Nehru Place, New Delhi
93123 77554

Latest Burn Care Technology

Latest Burn Care

Over the last 30 years, significant advances in burn care have drastically boosted the chances of survival for burn victims. Because one of the most challenging aspects of treating severe burn injuries is avoiding infection, it is critical to excise the burn eschar and cover the wound with biological dressing and skin grafts as soon as possible. 

Tissue that has become nonviable due to the burn is removed during the initial rigorous surgical debridement. Many surgical approaches for covering the wound bed have been documented, including biological dressings and dermal replacements. 

On the other hand, Split-thickness skin grafts continue to be the gold standard for the quick and permanent closure of severe dermal and full-thickness burns.

Significant breakthroughs in burns patient treatment have been accomplished in recent decades. Improved infection control, nutrition, stem cells, fat grafting, biomarkers, cell culture suspension of individual skin cells, inflammation control, scar management, pain control, and rehabilitation research will continue to improve individualized care and create new treatment options for these patients. Burn prevention measures can also aid in the improvement of overall burn treatment.

Dr. Anup Dhir is a highly skilled and experienced burn specialist committed to providing his patients with the best possible care. He is up-to-date on the latest advances in burn care and is always looking for new ways to improve the healing process.

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Anup Dhir

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