101, Ansal Tower, 38 Nehru Place, New Delhi
93123 77554

Male Menopause

Andropause Treatment in Delhi

Andropause is a natural progressive reduction of hormone levels in males as they age. It is more frequent in males over 50, although it can also occur in younger men. It explains a mental and physical transformation that many men go through as they become older. Though andropause is connected with ageing, it can also be caused by substantial hormonal changes.

While the synthesis of hormones by the testes has been recognized for a long time, interest in the therapeutic consequences of andropause has only lately emerged.

Male menopause, male climacteric, male andropause, late-onset hypogonadism, androgen decline in the ageing man (ADAM), or micropause are all terms for andropause. Andropause does not generally affect men, unlike menopause, which occurs evenly in women.

The male sex hormone, testosterone declines in males as they age. The range of the reduction might vary greatly amongst guys. Hypogonadism can result in an abrupt drop in testosterone levels. Hypogonadism, which can be primary or secondary, should be checked out in individuals having andropause symptoms.

Andropause symptoms differ from one individual to the next. Lethargy or decreased stamina, decreased libido or interest in sexual activity, erectile dysfunction with loss of erections, muscular weakness and pains, inability to sleep, hot flashes, night sweats, depression, infertility, and bone thinning or bone loss are some of the symptoms. These symptoms often appear gradually and may be wrongly attributed to the normal ageing.


  • Reduced libido or sex drive/desire, as well as the quality and length of erections. A decrease in nocturnal erections is a strong indicator of low testosterone levels.
  • Mood swings this is also linked to reduced intellectual activity, weariness, sadness, rage, and poor spatial orientation.
  • Decreased lean body mass, as well as muscle mass and strength.
  • Reduced body hair.
  • Osteoporosis is mainly caused by a decrease in bone density. Osteoporosis is frequently associated with an increase in the occurrence of bone fractures.

It is crucial to understand that different men may experience these symptoms to differing degrees and that not all must be present to diagnose andropause. The amount of testosterone in the blood can be used to identify andropause.

The total testosterone level may be calculated. However, the symptoms are caused by the free form of testosterone. Impotence is not usually caused by a lack of testosterone; additional factors include atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, and certain drugs.

These characteristics, together with past genital injuries and other features of the patient's medical history, are critical in determining andropause.

The testosterone level in the body is regulated by numerous systems that can change from day to day. As a result, it is critical to examine the levels over time. It is unknown what amount of serum testosterone in elderly men characterizes a deficit.

Generally, two standard deviations below the typical readings for young males are considered abnormal. Different men may require differing quantities of testosterone for optimum brain, bone, prostate, or muscle cell activity.

As a result, it would be erroneous to state that all men should acquire the same amount of testosterone. Instead, the patient and the andrologies must collaborate to determine the optimal testosterone level.

After a diagnosis, the doctor may recommend that the patient undergo hormone replacement treatment. Replacing testosterone can have a considerable advantage, especially in older men, with increased well-being, sex desire, sexual function, muscular development and strength, and bone density. Injections, skin patches, and lotions that release testosterone into the bloodstream in a non-invasive manner are now accessible as testosterone replacement therapy options.

Men taking hormone replacement therapy must be closely watched for symptoms of prostate disease, dyslipidemia, hepatotoxicity, erythrocytosis, and other adverse effects.

Andropause requires a detailed grasp of the intricate interaction of hormones, which is why we have a specialized endocrinologist at our center to assist in identifying and managing it. The therapy may be really pleasurable.

Call Dr. Anup Dhir today to discuss your andropause symptoms and get started on the path to relief.

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