Physical closeness, especially sex represents an essential feature of interpersonal connections, and it also has a great impact on people’s lives. It is this one-on-one touch and affection where one can be weak and both individuals can express their ideas or state how they feel. Such a level of interaction has been proven to work as a stress buffer in several ways.
1. Release of Oxytocin:Holding hands, hugging, or cuddling, are activities that involve contact and actually release some chemicals in the brain called Oxytocin. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide that is involved in the formation of social attachment and the experience of trustworthy persons. It is popularly known as the ‘love hormone’ or ‘cuddle hormone’ because it is responsible for aspects of bonding with a partner. Not only does oxytocin make people feel close or connected to each other, but it also has the effect of making people less stressed, relaxed, and happier.
2. Reduction of Cortisol Levels:
Stress normally leads to the secretion of cortisol which is the body’s main stress hormone. When cortisol levels are high, people may experience anxiety, and tension among other related undesirable impacts on their psychological and physiologic health status. These include a conversation with a partner, a conversation regarding one's feelings, or shared laughter has been proven to reduce cortisol levels. This reduction in the hormone cortisol helps to explain why stress levels are lower, and benefits overall health in the process.
3. Improvement in Emotional Regulation:
Interpersonal interactions give a green light for people to show emotions that are good and bad as well. They both can help manage and contain feelings, especially during a stressful period of life. Discussing some concerns or fears with a partner may help the latter understand the situation, be ready to support, and even provide certain coping strategies for problems that create stress and may lead to worse mental health.
4. Enhanced Communication:
Gentle communication is very important in any relationship, particularly at difficult periods. Intimacy comprises the freedom to express one’s self, share the truth, and efficiently comprehend the other party. They foster an environment where relations are quite open, and the partners can share different aspects of their experience because openly sharing your feelings allows you to validate any troublesome sensation and constantly support another person, which reduces stress levels significantly.
5. Promotes a Sense of Belonging:
Having a company and a person to relate to significantly reduces stress since people want to be accepted and safe. Intimate relationships make people feel protected in times of stress; besides, dependence on one’s partner contributes to the feeling of loyalty and trust. This feeling of integration can be especially beneficial for people who experience increases in their stress produced by work, family, or social roles.
6. Induces Relaxation:
There are other forms of touch that are normally in contact with sexual activity that have been shown to elicit a relaxation response in the body. These effects can be explained by changes at various levels for example heart rate variability, cortisol parameters, sympathetic effect, and other autonomic parameters. These physiological changes may be beneficial to individuals to make them less stressed and more relaxed.
7. Boosts Immune System:
Besides serving to prevent stress, intimacy has other desirable consequences on our body’s defense systems. The research was carried out on participants characterized by stable and long-term relationships; the results showed that the levels of intimacy were associated with immune reactions. This improved immunity is useful in the sense that it helps the body to be better resistant to infections and diseases occasioned by stress.
Thus, intimacy is an essential part of the physiology of stress and organismic functioning for well-being. The physiological rewards include: the production of oxytocin hormone, lower cortisol levels, body emotional regulation, better communication, feeling of acceptance and belonging, relaxation, and an improved immune system. Intimacy removing stress can be reached through maintaining close relationships and support, thus, intimacy can enhance the quality of life. For more information about the challenges and benefits of getting intimate with your partner consult the best sexologist in delhi, Dr. Anup Dhir.